A Closer Look at Bay Point Middle School’s Custom Window Perfs


Elevating School Spirit and Security with Hit Signs:

Safety, school spirit, and privacy – these are the trinity of attributes schools aim to emphasize in today’s fast-evolving environment. At Bay Point Middle School, these elements have been blended seamlessly, courtesy of an innovative collaboration with Hit Signs. But how can window designs create an environment that’s protective, private, and pulsating with school spirit? Let’s delve in.

A Visual Transformation: Before and After

To truly appreciate the transformative impact of our custom window perfs, one must witness the school’s initial state. Prior to our intervention, the exterior of Bay Point Middle School told a different story. We meticulously documented a series of ‘before’ photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements. These images highlighted not just the aesthetic need for a revamp but also underscored the compromised security features of the old installations. It was evident that the school was due for a change, not just for aesthetic purposes, but for enhanced protection and privacy. The juxtaposition of these before photos with the vibrant, secure, and spirited window perfs post-installation showcases the magnitude of transformation Hit Signs can bring to any establishment.

We meticulously documented a series of 'before' photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.
We meticulously documented a series of ‘before’ photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.


We meticulously documented a series of 'before' photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.
We meticulously documented a series of ‘before’ photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.


We meticulously documented a series of 'before' photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.
We meticulously documented a series of ‘before’ photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.


We meticulously documented a series of 'before' photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.
We meticulously documented a series of ‘before’ photos, capturing the weary, worn-out window perfs that had been bearing the brunt of time and elements.

The Vision

Every school has a story to tell. For Bay Point Middle School, it’s all about the aspiration to ascend, perfectly encapsulated in their slogan “Falcons Rise”. This sentiment is not merely an inspirational phrase but a representation of core values: Respect, Integrity, Safety, and Excellence.

Seeking to revamp their windows, the school’s vision was not limited to a standard protective film. They envisioned a dual-purpose solution that would serve as a bulwark against external threats and simultaneously be an emblem of the school’s identity.

Enter Hit Signs

Recognizing this dual need, Hit Signs proposed a transformative solution: a custom-designed high-performance window security perf. This dual-functioning product:

  1. Strengthened Security: Incorporating the state-of-the-art 3M™ Safety & Security Window Films, these window perfs are a force to reckon with against adversities like break-ins, blasts, and impacts.
  2. Amplified School Spirit: The windows became canvases showcasing the school’s proud falcon mascot and their motivating slogan, “Falcons Rise”.
  3. Enhanced Privacy: One of the standout features of the window perfs is their ability to prevent direct line of sight into the building. This obstructed view not only acts as a deterrent for potential threats but also offers students and staff a heightened sense of security and comfort.

Celebrating Renewal: The Post-Installation Brilliance

Once the old facades were carefully removed, the stage was set for a transformative journey that would redefine the school’s exterior. With great precision and attention to detail, Hit Signs began the installation of the brand-new window perfs. The outcome was nothing short of spectacular. These new installations radiated with vibrant green and gold school colors, capturing the essence of Bay Point Middle School’s pride and spirit. Every window seemed to come alive, reflecting the school’s commitment to excellence and resilience. Beyond their functional advantages, these window perfs have become a canvas, portraying the school’s identity in its truest shades. The green symbolizes growth and prosperity, and the gold epitomizes achievement and quality. The juxtaposition of these colors in the new design not only elevated the school’s exterior aesthetics but also infused the environment with renewed energy and pride. It was clear that with this revitalization, the school wasn’t just securing its premises, but also boldly showcasing its spirit for all to see.


Once the old facades were carefully removed, the stage was set for a transformative journey that would redefine the school's exterior.
Once the old facades were carefully removed, the stage was set for a transformative journey that would redefine the school’s exterior.
Once the old facades were carefully removed, the stage was set for a transformative journey that would redefine the school's exterior.
Once the old facades were carefully removed, the stage was set for a transformative journey that would redefine the school’s exterior.
A shot of the building after the window perf installation was completed.
A shot of the building after the window perf installation was completed.

The Installation Process

Hit Signs believes in reinvention and transformation. As part of this project, our professional team meticulously removed the old, worn-out window perf that had served the school in yesteryears. This attention to detail ensured that the new window perfs were installed on a pristine surface, guaranteeing longevity and effectiveness.

The Notable Features

  • Robust Protection: The window films, paired with 3M™ Impact Protection Attachment Systems, deter potential threats. Their adhesive composition holds shattered glass pieces together, making unauthorized entry challenging and reducing injury risks.
  • Preserved Aesthetics: Physical barriers, though effective, often compromise the aesthetic appeal. These custom window perfs integrate protection with school spirit, maintaining the building’s welcoming facade.
  • Resilience against Blasts: The window films are specially designed to be tear-resistant, drastically reducing the risk of glass shards turning into lethal projectiles during unforeseen events.
  • Privacy and Peace: The obstructed view ensures a sanctuary-like environment within the school, fostering concentration and a sense of security.


Inside Bay Point Middle School, the spirit of the institution isn’t just limited to the curriculum or the activities; it reverberates in its very architecture. Taking a step beyond the external window perfs, the school has innovatively utilized its interior spaces to further instill school pride. On the inside window of the main atrium stands a magnificent, custom-designed mascot – the Falcon. Skillfully crafted and vividly detailed, this interior installation serves as a daily reminder to students and staff alike. As the sunlight filters through, it casts a radiant silhouette of the Falcon, symbolizing the school’s call to “Rise”. This embodiment of the school’s spirit on the inside window not only enhances the aesthetic environment but also continually reinforces the values and ethos of Bay Point Middle School. It’s more than just a design; it’s an emblem of identity, aspiration, and unity.

The Call for Other Schools

Bay Point Middle School’s venture with Hit Signs is emblematic of what modern school infrastructure should emulate. It’s not just about walls and roofs anymore; it’s about creating holistic environments that protect, inspire, and foster a sense of belonging.

With Hit Signs’ custom window perfs:

  • Schools can pioneer a new era of crime prevention.
  • They can instill a palpable sense of identity and pride among their communities.
  • They ensure that every glance at their infrastructure is a reminder of the values they stand for.

Concluding Thoughts

At Hit Signs, we are not just service providers; we are collaborators, innovators, and visionaries. Our work with Bay Point Middle School serves as a testament to our commitment to ensuring safety, spirit, and serenity for educational institutions. Let us help your school redefine its landscape, keeping it safe, spirited, and secure.



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